一旦 RC 成功通过并且所需的工件已经上演分配,您需要让每个人都知道我们闪亮的新版本。这不是一项要求,但为了让发布经理们更轻松,我们可以为您提供一个模板。请务必使用相关版本号替换 _ 版本 _ 和其他标记。您应该在发送之前手动验证所有链接。

The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase _version_.

Apache HBase™ is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database.
Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of rows with
millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more about HBase,
see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase _version_ is the _nth_ minor release in the HBase _major_.x line, which aims to
improve the stability and reliability of HBase. This release includes roughly
XXX resolved issues not covered by previous _major_.x releases.

Notable new features include:
- List text descriptions of features that fit on one line
- Including if JDK or Hadoop support versions changes
- If the "stable" pointer changes, call that out
- For those with obvious JIRA IDs, include them (HBASE-YYYYY)

The full list of issues can be found in the included CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md,
or via our issue tracker:


To download please follow the links and instructions on our website:


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at: dev@hbase.apache.org.

Thanks to all who contributed and made this release possible.

The HBase Dev Team 

您应将此消息发送到以下列表: dev@hbase.apache.orguser@hbase.apache.organnounce@apache.org 。如果您想在发送之前进行抽查,请随时通过 jira 或开发者列表询问。